Yuncheng Compina Intelligent dyeing factory project was formally contracted

2020-4-11 8:55:9 3896

  On April 9th, a contract signing ceremony for Yuncheng Compina smart bobbin yarn dyeing factory was held in Xintai Compina Co., LTD. Ltd.was wen-lin liu, secretary of the county party committee, the standing deputy county magistrate Dong Liangfeng, the county party committee standing committee and director of the office of Su Huaiguang, secretary of the party working qiao-ling zheng county party member, economic development zone, xintai city vice mayor li, vice secretary of departments, offices of xinwen street agency director of mud, embellish Kang Pingna group chairman Chen fei team and group leaders attended the signing ceremony.

Ltd.was Kang Pingna intelligent dyeing factory project is located in heze city ltd.was economic development zone, is the "1 + 7" in shandong province regional Shared factory system construction plan, landing on the implementation of intelligent green dyeing industrial park, one of 5 20000 tons/year plan in installment construction standardization smart bobbin dyeing factory, completed, after can be an annual output of 100000 tons of colored yarn, will greatly promote the local textile industry printing and dyeing industry intelligent manufacturing process, the development of textile industry downstream woven, knit, demonstrate the importance of clothing and other products and help the local textile industry cluster development.

Lin Yonggao, secretary of the board of directors of the group, signed the contract on behalf of the company

Signing the scene